Shimmying Notes on Astral Undercurrents

|illustration above by Shaun Lawton|in collaboration with AI
Below you'll see some of my latest story excerpts & poems. ATLANTIS was typed out early this morning, and because its her birthday today, I dedicate it to my dear friend Melissa Wright. Mirrordrowning was conceived and executed by fingertips across the face of a plastic keyboard not that long ago really, springing forth from my rapidly calculating mind. The history of legend just went up in April. Halo of Stones went up an incremental segment of time before that. Below that one, more random writings of mine. Keep scrolling. Welcome to a remote corner of my Blogdom of Thorns.

Have you ever felt as if you have been placed alongside a row of copies? That you are just a navel gazing reflection?
Try not to get the feeling that you as a duplicate yourself are not the right selection. That sensation is just a misdirection. It's okay; turns out there is no right and wrong after all. That's the basis of our rational anthem. Feel free to fall in and stay, or explore the various hidden hyperlinks you may stumble upon throughout this cyber-vicinity. Then begone upon your wildest trip. Don't let the mouse clicks you left behind allow you to slip.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


   After asking the wrong questions about our place in this great sprawling universe of time and space we settle into our mindsets a general proclivity towards assuming what works here on Earth in this rich atmosphere we breathe in and out with the help of vegetation and electromagnetism in conjunction with one another applies to that great expanse beyond our planet leading us to ponder the apparently overwhelming unlikelihood of our being alone in this cosmos teeming with starlight being shed upon us at night while we sleep and dream of recharging our batteries tossing and turning in the widening gyre of a slowly opening eye, when all along we miss out on the clues inherent to the reflection cast upon the face of our own mind's pupil making constant minor adjustments to the incoming light, never realizing the connection made between the alpha point of our fluctuating irises and the omega of our tombstone's shadow eclipses the realization of our ongoing dream, no wonder we seek to escape this prison of eternity we've all been decanted back into for another spin about the spiraling circle closing in on itself to wink out into another opening viewpoint continuing the age old cycle of creation reawakening at a distance so removed from our prior existence we've inherently forgotten the bulk of details coloring what now seems like a faraway dream haunting what's left of our gradually evaporating memory, so of course we automatically assume in the vastness of this universe with all those countless star systems that we couldn't possibly be the sole occupants in this reality, it's just we tend to forget the words we've fashioned to explain the unknown were devised by our no less wise yet largely uninformed ancestors and then we do what comes naturally which is to easily conflate such words as "reality" and "universe" and "creation" with "space" and "time" and "eternity" until we've circumscribed the totality of the map we've drawn from a territory we know next to nothing about and the incomprehensible face of creation begins its shading from the corner of a tear duct whose vast circumference blends with shadow into the reflection of our own faces staring back at us from any mirror in whatever single room in this world we happen to occupy regardless of our ruminations while consciousness itself remains the stellar voyage that happens at all times until we still can't see the forest for ourselves because we're the ones currently gazing out of this myriad prism of eyes we've been comprised of all along.