Shimmying Notes on Astral Undercurrents

|illustration above by Shaun Lawton|in collaboration with AI
Below you'll see some of my latest story excerpts & poems. ATLANTIS was typed out early this morning, and because its her birthday today, I dedicate it to my dear friend Melissa Wright. Mirrordrowning was conceived and executed by fingertips across the face of a plastic keyboard not that long ago really, springing forth from my rapidly calculating mind. The history of legend just went up in April. Halo of Stones went up an incremental segment of time before that. Below that one, more random writings of mine. Keep scrolling. Welcome to a remote corner of my Blogdom of Thorns.

Have you ever felt as if you have been placed alongside a row of copies? That you are just a navel gazing reflection?
Try not to get the feeling that you as a duplicate yourself are not the right selection. That sensation is just a misdirection. It's okay; turns out there is no right and wrong after all. That's the basis of our rational anthem. Feel free to fall in and stay, or explore the various hidden hyperlinks you may stumble upon throughout this cyber-vicinity. Then begone upon your wildest trip. Don't let the mouse clicks you left behind allow you to slip.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

History of Legend


The captain by painting with brush strokes a song from his blood 
reveals an egg-speckled voice the cantos of rhythms have captured
soaking into the canvas of bandages a multi-colored flagon
with a puddle of paint as a singular alphabet molded into a serpent 
 showcasing one character easy to spell out a one word story with
the history of legend once again threatened to rupture
  if only the strength of conviction lent to articulation 
 could produce the bright tone of a cascading harmonic
 reflecting a saint captured in a lenticular portrait 
  without succumbing to any disease cast from Hell 
 to focus a blurred glory into sharp contrast to defend 
 the intent we'd originally agreed upon together here
  having been meant to carry us through any sort of storm 
  that may arise during our relentless journey there.  



Curtains of Division


 When the bitter ending lights out of the draperies that hang in a shroud
 breaking from distributions with a disunion of detachment 
in putrefaction and fragmentation of demoralization's dissolution 
from the centralization of hope and our disintegration's will part of 
selection and choice when it comes to a favorite natural preference 
like when discretion demands 'a cup of tea' then what's the point 
of having catalogued the reference to shadows creeping along 
the well hidden walls in the umbrage of the folds of power when
amid the hanging curtains of division in deference we may begin again?