Shimmying Notes on Astral Undercurrents

|illustration above by Shaun Lawton|in collaboration with AI
Below you'll see some of my latest story excerpts & poems. ATLANTIS was typed out early this morning, and because its her birthday today, I dedicate it to my dear friend Melissa Wright. Mirrordrowning was conceived and executed by fingertips across the face of a plastic keyboard not that long ago really, springing forth from my rapidly calculating mind. The history of legend just went up in April. Halo of Stones went up an incremental segment of time before that. Below that one, more random writings of mine. Keep scrolling. Welcome to a remote corner of my Blogdom of Thorns.

Have you ever felt as if you have been placed alongside a row of copies? That you are just a navel gazing reflection?
Try not to get the feeling that you as a duplicate yourself are not the right selection. That sensation is just a misdirection. It's okay; turns out there is no right and wrong after all. That's the basis of our rational anthem. Feel free to fall in and stay, or explore the various hidden hyperlinks you may stumble upon throughout this cyber-vicinity. Then begone upon your wildest trip. Don't let the mouse clicks you left behind allow you to slip.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

excerpts from the Talamos Scriptura

     Before the Orb of the Ruby Eyed Queen had settled its tendrils fully into and around the city of our dreams,  Talamos, we never did give much thought to the municipality amid the Floating Clouds.  

   Things had changed in the wake of the contagion. Traffic between cities had dwindled down and then eventually diminished to nothing altogether.  People had become more deranged, somehow.  Their thoughts were affected by the magnetic interplay between their brains and the Macro Solar System, leading them to become unable to tell the difference between a tale and the truth. Believing anything does not always optimize results. 

   It was said that the great cameras positioned around the city that kept watch on an industrious populace to oversee their safety and keep an Eye on the general order of things could also project their footage into the minds of people long dead (who used to be alive on other star systems) and whose histories have long been buried in the past. That's everyone's story in a grand nut shell.  

    The same wave of light passes through all star systems. That's what long term memory reaction in a molecular chain linking back to ancestral programming is all about. As the program of corporeality continues to execute, the blossoming Hallway of Mirrors continues to expand along the same vectors of chain-reaction.  

   Standing alone before the court of the Red Slit Canyon, we drop to our knees to bow our heads in a moment of silence.  The distance and depth afforded our vision yields a panorama of rippling possibilities, charging the atmosphere with an invisible turbulence felt vibrating in the bones rather than seen, like a precursor to lightning and thunder in a rain storm.  

   It's the circulation of the light that we mistake for the illusion of motion caught in the amber of the Eternal Stone. The circumferential aspect of how light travels allows for a contiguous nonrepeating endless loop of configurations left behind in its wake. 

   As the dead are so often fated to do, when the last vestiges of their existence fades from view, the starry night glittering overhead gradually comes into sharper focus for the rest of us who manage to survive the cold intervals of the spaces in between.